Composition of export commodity is commodity composition and their correlation in total value of foreign trade in a region or country in one period. It shows commodities 'status in foreign trade. 出口商品结构是指一个国家或地区在一定时期内的对外贸易总额中各类商品的构成及其相互关系,它表明各类商品在对外贸易中所处的地位。
The results can provide the higher reference value of making correct strategy fos foreign trade at the stage of economic take-off for revitalizing the old industrial base in Liaoning. 该结论对辽宁老工业基地振兴的经济起飞阶段制定正确的对外贸易策略有较高的参考价值;
Since the reform and opening to the outside world, the foreign trade of Shandong province developed rapidly, the total Value of foreign trade increases and the scale expands markedly. 改革开放以来山东省对外贸易迅速发展,贸易规模总量增长显著。
As China is a country having a big value of foreign trade, Chinese import and export enterprises are always involving in matters about cancellation of the contract of international sales of goods. 我国作为一个外贸大国,进出口企业经常性地会碰到国际货物买卖合同的解除问题。
Fourthly, the intergenerational costs of international trade are the sacrificed value of spending "sustainability" factor in international trade and related activities ( such as production, transportation, consumption and recycling for the purpose of foreign trade). 第四,国际贸易中的代际成本是由于国际贸易活动及其相关活动(如以对外贸易为目的的生产、运输、消费、回收利用等)而产生的耗费可持续性要素的代价或价值牺牲。
Firstly, the production costs of international trade are the sacrificed value of using or spending labor, capital, land and management when producing products in foreign trade. 第一,国际贸易中的生产成本是在外贸产品的生产过程中,使用或耗费劳动、资本、土地、管理等各类传统要素的代价或价值牺牲。